The 50 Greatest Female Characters in Video Game History

Please note that this page is only here for archiving purposes. The original article originally resided at TomsGames.Com, and was written by Rob Wright on February 20th, 2007. I do not claim any rights on this page. Save for some additional images and scripted additions, no modifications on the original text has been made.

Farah, Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time And The Two Thrones

The heroine of the Prince of Persia series, Farah is the Prince's companion beginning with The Sands of Time and continuing in The Two Thrones. Initially Farah hates the Prince but eventually she comes around and falls in love with him. She becomes an indispensable partner in the Prince's journey, thanks to her combat skills and ability to find and crawl through narrow passage ways.
Pros: She's an exotic beauty, she's great with a bow and arrow and she's the daughter of the Maharaja of India, so she's rich.
Cons: She might be a little too skinny. The way she slides through so many cracks in the walls, you'd think she had an eating disorder.
Should be Played By: Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai seems like the perfect choice for the movie, which is actually in the works.

Farah, the Prince of Persia's love interest and fellow adventurer

Farah, the Prince of Persia's love interest and fellow adventurer
Kaileena, Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within And The Two Thrones

Voiced by actress Monica Bellucci, Kaileena is the enigmatic beauty at the heart of Warrior Within. When the Prince first meets her, she appears to be a damsel in distress and allies herself with the hero. However, Kaileena is actually a powerful being with a sinister agenda and she's got a date with destiny regarding the Prince. A multilayered character between heroine and villain, she gives a new definition to the term 'bad girl.'
Pros: Kaileena is incredibly gorgeous and ridiculously voluptuous, plus she can control time.
Cons: She's a treacherous seductress with a secret identity and ulterior motive.
Should be Played By: Why fight it? Bellucci has the voice, the acting skill and the body to play the role.

The dark and mysterious Kaileena of the Prince of Persia's series.

The dark and mysterious Kaileena of the Prince of Persia's series.
Carla Valenti, Indigo Prophecy (a.k.a. Fahrenheit)

The female lead in the unique mystery thriller Indigo Prophecy, Carla is a headstrong New York City police detective who's investigating the mysterious murder at the heart of the game's plot. A sharp detective and a sultry sex symbol, Carla is featured in a few rare, tastefully designed sex scenes during the course of the game (only in uncut "AO" versions of the game in North America, however).
Pros: She won't hesitate to shed her clothes and engage in some "quality time." Plus, she's got handcuffs.
Cons: She works long hours, is highly claustrophobic and is prone to anxiety attacks.
Should be Played By: Since Angelina Jolie is already taken, we'll go with Eva Mendes.

The smart and sexy detective Carla Valenti of Indigo Prophecy

The smart and sexy detective Carla Valenti of Indigo Prophecy

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