The 50 Greatest Female Characters in Video Game History

Please note that this page is only here for archiving purposes. The original article originally resided at TomsGames.Com, and was written by Rob Wright on February 20th, 2007. I do not claim any rights on this page. Save for some additional images and scripted additions, no modifications on the original text has been made.

Meryl Silverburgh, Metal Gear Solid Series

A stalwart of the Metal Gear Solid series, Meryl is a rookie agent in the first game. Despite her diminutive stature and young age, she can do one-armed pushups and take a sniper bullet with the best of them. Plus, she's the daughter of former Foxhound leader Col. Roy Campbell and has proven herself to be a valuable sidekick to Solid Snake. Now she is making her long-awaited return as head of Foxhound in this year's sequel Metal Gear Solid 4: The Guns of Patriots.
Pros: She's got the genes, the looks, the skills and the power.
Cons: She can be kind of a nag, and she's a bit of a Daddy's girl.
Should Be Played By: Rachel McAdams, who could be a dead ringer for Meryl.

The feminine Meryl Silverburgh

The feminine Meryl Silverburgh
EVA, Metal Gear Solid Series

Guys often have a weakness for bad girls, and Solid Snake is no exception. Eva, who makes her first appearance in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, portrays herself as a KGB agent named Tatyana and gains the trust of Naked Snake. Of course, she's really a spy for the Philosophers and her ultimate mission is to pop a cap in Snake's behind. Luckily, Eva pulls an Agent Triple X from "The Spy Who Loved Me" and refrains from killing our hero and ultimately disappears into the night.
Pros: She looks fabulous in a bikini, she's dangerous and she's got crazy magnetism.
Cons: She's a shifty lass, she betrays pretty much everyone she encounters and she'll kill you in your sleep after sex.
Should Be Played By: Uma Thurman, because she tall, blonde and built to kick ass.

The deceptive EVA of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

The deceptive EVA of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
The Boss, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Though she doesn't have quite as big of a role as the above characters, it would be impossible to tell the full Metal Gear Solid story without including The Boss. Also known as The Joy, The Boss is a renowned and heralded U.S. soldier who serves as Naked Snake's mentor and the tragic hero of the Metal Gear Solid series. [SPOILER ALERT!] In MGS 3: Snake Eater, The Boss defects to the Soviet Union and is killed by Snake, who later realizes that his mentor was actually undercover and sacrificed herself for a crucial mission.
Pros: A war hero and born leader, The Boss wrote the book on Special Forces combat and taught Snake everything he knows.
Cons: She's pretty old - and dead, of course - and
Should Be Played By: Sharon Stone, who reportedly served as the inspiration for the character's design, though the British accent might be a stretch.

The Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

The Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

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