The 50 Greatest Female Characters in Video Game History

Please note that this page is only here for archiving purposes. The original article originally resided at TomsGames.Com, and was written by Rob Wright on February 20th, 2007. I do not claim any rights on this page. Save for some additional images and scripted additions, no modifications on the original text has been made.

Alexandra Roivas, Eternal Darkness

In Eternal Darkness, one of the best GameCube titles and horror survival games, Alexandra is an advanced mathematics student at Washington University who learns that her grandfather has been murdered. After arriving at her grandfather's mansion, she discovers a mysterious book called the Tome of Eternal Darkness and becomes embroiled in a historic battle against evil forces. Scream queens in horror flicks are old hat, but Alex is a breath of fresh air for the horror survival games genre.
Pros: She's a brilliant, studious and brave numbers geek who's as gorgeous as she is smart.
Cons: She's begins to question her sanity when she begins reliving the experiences of people that have been dead for centuries.
Should be Played By: Veronica Mars! Kristen Bell can play a sexy math nerd turned amateur paranormal investigator in her sleep.

The scream queen Alexandra Roivas of Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

The scream queen Alexandra Roivas of Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Jennifer Tate, Primal

Another strong female protagonist, but with a twist, Jennifer is a seemingly normal young woman with remarkable supernatural abilities in the PS2 title Primal. She discovers a fantasy world called Oblivion, where the balance between Order and Chaos has been disrupted. Jennifer sets out to correct the imbalance and along the way learns that she is part demon and mutates into four different kinds of demon races. Wow.
Pros: She's an alt-rock hottie with amazing powers and grace under pressure.
Cons: Being part demon, there's a chance Jen could end up looking like Sigourney Weaver at the end of "Ghostbusters." You could still be the Keymaster, I suppose, but still...
Should be Played By: Can Keira Knightley pull off an America accent? Actually, do I even care?

The devilish Jennifer Tate of Primal

The devilish Jennifer Tate of Primal
Alice, American McGee's Alice

Now this is an interesting heroine. Game designer American McGee essentially picks up the "Alice in Wonderland" story years later, where an older Alice has become a suicidal, catatonic basket case trapped in an insane asylum. Alice, of course, returns to Wonderland, which has become a dark, evil realm in McGee's twisted update of the fairy tale.
Pros: Alice is now a ruthless, knife wielding badass. Plus, she's kind of cute in a totally demented way.
Cons: She's damaged goods, talks to animals and is clearly insane, though the hottest ones often are.
Will Be Played By: Buffy! Sarah Michelle Gellar is reportedly playing Alice in an upcoming film adaptation of the game scheduled for release later this year.

The twisted Alice of American McGee's Alice and Alice: Madness Returns

The twisted Alice of American McGee's Alice and Alice: Madness Returns

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